Rebranding: A Fresh Start for Your Business

Rebranding is a strategy that allows businesses to breathe new life into their brand image. By rebranding your business, staying relevant, and capturing the attention of your target audience, you can be promised success!

In this blog post, we’ll explore the main purpose of rebranding, what makes a successful rebrand, and when you should consider refreshing your corporate identity. To put these points into perspective, let’s dive into a case study about Burberry’s new logo and its revolutionary journey. 

The Evolution of Burberry’s Logo
Burberry’s original logo, featuring a knight on horseback, had symbolised tradition since 1901. In 2018, the brand sought a more contemporary identity, responding to evolving trends and connecting with a different generation of consumers. However, in recent times, the classic knight and horseback lockup returned, replacing Burberry’s modern luxury look. 

The new logo is a representation of commitment to adaptability and innovation. Burberry has positioned itself as a brand that respects tradition while embracing the future. A transformative journey within the world of branding and design ensures continued relevance and impact. 

Burberry rebranding

The Main Purpose of Rebranding
Rebranding serves various purposes, but at its core, it aims to revitalise a company’s brand identity and re-establish its position in the market. Ultimately, it allows you to stay current in a constantly evolving world. 

What Makes a Rebrand Successful?
A successful rebrand requires planning and execution by marketing and communications experts. A clear strategy to achieve new goals and a reimagined vision for the brand is an essential way to begin. Ensuring consistency and coherence are prioritised among all touchpoints throughout the rebrand will ensure everlasting success. Lastly, creating excitement and anticipation by leveraging various channels such as social media, press releases, and website updates will bring traction before and after the re-launch.

When Should You Consider Rebranding?
While no ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer exists, rebranding should be considered thoughtfully. By rebranding, you are changing the customer perception of a business and repositioning it in a new direction. These significant changes should elevate the brand and step away from its outdated identity. 

To achieve growth and success in a changing market, businesses can position themselves effectively through rebranding. Understanding the purpose and the timing of implementing a rebrand is key. The case study of Burberry’s logo evolution is a testament to the power of rebranding. It is an example of a brand communication strategy that aims to help consumers understand the company’s authenticity through history and culture. 

Want to learn more about branding? Check out our blog post on Colour Psychology and Branding Your Business, or get in touch with us today to make your rebranding dreams a reality!